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Introducing TubeMemo

August 4, 2024

If you’re like most of us, YouTube isn’t just a place to watch funny cat videos or catch up on the latest trends—it’s where you go to learn, research, and get inspired. But let’s be real, keeping track of important moments in those videos can be a nightmare. How many times have you found yourself frantically scribbling notes or trying to remember where that one crucial piece of information was?

So, What Exactly is TubeMemo?

TubeMemo is designed to make your YouTube experience not just easier, but smarter. Whether you’re a student, researcher, content creator, or just someone who loves diving deep into YouTube content, TubeMemo helps you capture, organize, and revisit all those key moments with ease. No more losing track of important details or spending hours searching for that one quote—you’ve got it all in one place.

Why Did We Create TubeMemo?

We’ve all been there: watching a long video, trying to take notes, and then realizing we have no idea where we found that piece of gold. We created TubeMemo to solve this exact problem.

We wanted to turn passive video watching into an active, productive experience. With TubeMemo, you can easily capture notes, organize your thoughts, and instantly access the exact moments you need—without the hassle.

Timestamped Notes

Take notes that are linked to specific moments in a video. With TubeMemo, you can. Just click, type, and you’re done. Need to revisit that exact moment later? One click, and you’re there.

AI-Powered Summaries

Don’t have time to watch the entire clip again? No problem. TubeMemo generates summaries for you, so you can quickly get the gist without re-watching the whole thing.

Organized Collections

Keep your notes neat and tidy by grouping them into collections. Whether it’s for a project, a study session, or just your own personal interest, you can easily find what you’re looking for.

Transcript Export

TubeMemo lets you download it in SRT or TXT format, making it super easy to reference or share.

Collaborative Workspaces

Working with a team? Share your notes, collaborate on projects, and make sure everyone’s on the same page—literally.


TubeMemo is for anyone looking to maximize their YouTube experience. Whether you’re a student taking notes on lectures and tutorials, a researcher keeping your references and insights organized, a content creator saving ideas and inspiration, or a team collaborating and sharing notes seamlessly, TubeMemo has you covered.

Try it for free today and see how it can transform the way you watch and interact with YouTube videos!

Everything In One Place

Easily manage and revisit all your highlights and insights from Youtube videos


Capture Your Favorite Youtube Moments

©2024 TubeMemo