Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 1st August 2024

TubeMemo (“TubeMemo,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how we collect, use, and share your personal information, and to assist you in exercising the privacy rights available to you.


This Privacy Policy covers the personal information we collect about you when you use our products or services, or otherwise interact with us, including through our browser extension, website, mobile applications, and other related online and offline offerings (collectively, the “Services”). This policy also explains your choices regarding how we use your personal information, including how you can access, update, or object to certain uses of your information.

1. Personal Information We Collect

A. Information You Provide to Us

  • Account Creation: When you create an account or otherwise use our Services, we collect information such as your name, email address, and any optional profile photo you choose to upload.
  • Your Communications with Us: We collect personal information from you, such as your email address or mailing address, when you request information about our Services, request customer or technical support, or otherwise communicate with us. We also collect the contents of messages or attachments that you may send to us and other information you choose to provide in your communications.
  • Surveys: We may contact you to participate in surveys. If you choose to participate, you may be asked to provide certain information, which may include personal information.
  • Interactive Features: We may offer interactive features, such as chat and messaging services, and social media pages. Information you submit or make available through these interactive features may be collected by us and others who use our Services. Content provided via public sections of these features will be considered “public” and is not subject to the privacy protections mentioned herein.

B. Information Collected Automatically

  • Usage Data: We collect and log information on how you and others access and use TubeMemo, such as when you view or save a video memo. Usage data may be collected through cookies and similar technologies.
  • Analytics: We may use third-party service providers to collect and process analytics and other information on our Services. These providers are bound by their Privacy Policies to safeguard your information.
  • YouTube API Services: TubeMemo utilizes the YouTube API and services. By using TubeMemo, you agree to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service, Google Privacy Policy, and API Services Terms of Service when engaging with YouTube content through TubeMemo.

2. How We Use Your Information

We use your personal information for various business purposes, including to:

Provide the Services or Requested Information, such as:

  • Fulfilling our contract with you;
  • Identifying and communicating with you, including providing newsletters;
  • Managing your information;
  • Processing your payments and servicing your purchase orders;
  • Responding to questions, comments, and other requests;
  • Providing access to certain areas, functionalities, and features of our Services;
  • Responding to requests for customer or technical support.

Serve Administrative Purposes, such as:

  • Pursuing legitimate interests, such as research and development, network and information security, and fraud prevention;
  • Measuring interest and engagement in our Services, including analyzing your usage of the Services;
  • Developing new services and improving the Services;
  • Ensuring internal quality control and safety;
  • Authenticating and verifying individual identities;
  • Carrying out audits;
  • Communicating with you about your account and activities on our Services;
  • Preventing and prosecuting potentially prohibited or illegal activities;
  • Enforcing our agreements;
  • Complying with our legal obligations.

De-identified and Aggregated Information Use:

We may use personal information and other data about you to create de-identified and/or aggregated information. De-identified and/or aggregated information is not personal information, and we may use and disclose such information in various ways, including for internal analysis and analytics.

How We Use Automatic Collection Technologies:

Our uses of technologies fall into the following general categories:
  • Operationally Necessary;
  • Performance Related;
  • Functionality Related.

3. Disclosing Your Information to Third Parties

We may share your personal information with the following categories of third parties:

Service Providers:

We may share any personal information we collect about you with our third-party service providers. The categories of service providers to whom we entrust personal information include service providers for:
  • The provision of the Services;
  • The provision of information, products, and other services you have requested.

Other Third Parties:

We may share your personal information with other third parties, including other users, in the following circumstances:
  • Spaces Accessible by Other Users: When you submit personal information in a space that can be accessed by others, such personal information may be displayed to other users in the same spaces. For example, your personal information may be included in your documents in a space that can be viewed by other users collaborating with you in that space. Additionally, your email address or profile photo may be displayed with your space profile to other users collaborating with you in that space.
  • Sharing Content with Friends or Colleagues: Our Services may allow you to provide information about your friends and may allow you to forward or share certain content with a friend or colleague, such as an invitation email.
  • Compliance with Law: TubeMemo also uses information to satisfy applicable laws or regulations and discloses information in response to legal processes or enforceable government requests, including to law enforcement.

4. International Data Transfers

All information processed by us may be transferred, processed, and stored anywhere in the world, including but not limited to the United States or other countries, which may have data protection laws different from the laws where you live. We endeavor to safeguard your information consistent with the requirements of applicable laws.

5. Your Choices

Email Communications:

If you receive an unwanted email from us, you can use the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of the email to opt-out of receiving future emails. Note that you will continue to receive transaction-related emails regarding products or services you have requested.


You may turn off cookies. For more information, including how to opt-out, please visit our Cookie Information page.

6. Your Privacy Rights

You have the right to:
  • Request correction of your personal information where it is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Request deletion of your personal information.
If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at We will process such requests in accordance with applicable laws.

7. Data Retention

We store the personal information we receive as described in this Privacy Policy for as long as you use our Services or as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected, provide our Services, and comply with applicable laws.

8. Security of Your Information

We take steps to ensure that your information is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. However, no system is 100% secure, and we cannot guarantee the security of any information you provide to us. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we do not accept liability for unauthorized disclosure. By using the Services or providing personal information to us, you agree that we may communicate with you electronically regarding security, privacy, and administrative issues relating to your use of the Services. If we learn of a security breach, we may attempt to notify you electronically by posting a notice on the Services, by mail, or by sending an email to you.

9. Third-Party Websites/Applications

The Services may contain links to other websites/applications, and other websites/applications may reference or link to our Services. These third-party services are not controlled by us. We encourage our users to read the privacy policies of each website and application they interact with. We do not endorse, screen, or approve and are not responsible for, the privacy practices or content of such other websites or applications. Visiting these other websites or applications is at your own risk.

10. Children’s Information

The Services are not directed to children under 16 (or other age as required by local law), and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children. If you learn that your child has provided us with personal information without your consent, please contact us by email in the contact section. If we learn that we have collected a child’s personal information in violation of applicable law, we will promptly take steps to delete such information and terminate the child’s account.

11. Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Although significant changes are rare, this policy may be amended as new features, technology, or legal requirements arise, so please check back from time to time. By using the Service, you acknowledge, accept, and agree with all provisions of the Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our privacy practices or this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

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